Features under Consideration
Mercenary units, platoons, and companies.
Band of Heroes.

Date Revision Notes
2021-07-12 41 Corrected unit data (M101 105mm is not a wolverine, Hetzer is not a panther, etc). Removed unusable upgrades for all units (No chaff UGL unless unit has UGL, etc), including anti-armor teams now only able to join same armor squads. Corrected Platoons requirements (Armored Infantry Platoon S1-2 needing transports, etc). Removed empty Bloc/Faction symbols until they are added to game. Re-added missing Red Army to SSU. Added missing units for all factions. Corrected some code (S4 match S1/C in Allied Armored/Destroyer platoons). Changed Commonweath Faction Alllied Infantry company to have commonwealth armro/destroyer platoons instead of U.S.
2020-07-05 41 Added Ad Hoc Platoons which have all the bloc's units available as sections. Added Anti-Armor teams as unit upgrades. Soldier units in a Desert Scorpions Mountain Assault Patrol can take Demolition Charges as unit upgrades.
2020-07-01 40 Added information/help icons. Mouse over an icon to see a popup with a description of the unit/upgrade/platoon or a picture of the unit card. Also revised some incorrect unit costs, and removed non-Wehrmacht platoon options from Von Thaler's Blitz Hunde Kompanie.
2020-06-28 39 Added Desert Scorpions and Raketentrupp units, platoons, and companies. Added Mercenary and Cultists Bloc placeholders. Added Commonwealth Faction. Changed Close Air Support to 5 AP. Removed Air Supremacy. Changed Der Schwarm to 10 AP. Changed Flight of the Valkyries to 15 AP.
2020-06-26 38 Added "Take a Tour" feature. Opens a slide presentation that walks the user through all the program's features. The tour might break if you change the force as the tour is running.
2020-06-25 37 Added "Save" feature. Functions the same as "Link to this Force" feature in old Force Builder: Opens a new window with the force encoded in the link. Copy and paste the link to return to the army.
2020-06-24 36 Minor Bugfixes. Added Königstiger and Panther Ausf D & G variants. Unit upgrade Air Drop cost now equals unit's armor value. Platoon Upgrade Zig Zag Zurück now only available for specific platoons. Heroes and Commissars can now take certain unit upgrades. Added some unit upgrades that are only available for certain units.
2020-06-17 35 Added Factions. Different factions have different Company options. Factions with no available units default to having No Company.
2020-06-14 34 Update for Dust Warfare '47. Section and Support Transports added. Utility units added. Fortifications added. Multiple unit upgrades allowed. Units and unit upgrades updated. Platoon definitions updated. Companies and Company Headquarters added (only one company per force).
2015-02-05 33 Bug fixes - mercenary support points and Steel Guard to allow KV3s. Code updates provided by Luke Thomas.
2014-12-29 32 Minor bug fixes for Axis platoons. Code updates provided by Luke Thomas.
2014-12-26 31 Adding support for Mercenary platoon and captured vehicles. Code updates provided by Luke Thomas.
2014-12-22 30 Bug fixes - minor updates for Axis additional supports. Code updates provided by Luke Thomas.
2014-12-21 29 Updates to support Babylon release - not including Mercenaries yet. Code updates provided by Luke Thomas.
2014-03-06 28 Bugfix - Generalmajor Sigrid von Thaler can now lead a Panzer Platoon.
2014-02-09 27 Bugfix - Bazooka Joe and LtCol Joseph Brown now count as the same hero.
2014-02-09 26 Bugfix - Steel Guard 4th section KV3 options fixed; Steel Guard units may no longer take unit upgrades.
2014-02-08 25 Bugfix - missing SSU Steel Guard command squad additional support option added.
2014-02-05 24 Support for Operation Achilles.
2013-04-05 23 "Horten" flyer now correctly available for Schwer platoons.
2013-04-04 22 Minor fixes - "Horten" spelling corrected; Schwer Armor upgrade added.
2013-04-03 21 Bugfix for Second-Generation Serum, was not allowed when using a Hero for the Command Section
2013-03-31 20 Support for Campaign Icarus
2013-01-29 19 "Gunners" Combat Ranger and Battle Grenadiers unit upgrade renamed to properly reflect it's true nature
2013-01-24 18 SSU IS-48A 'Karl Marx' point cost changed from 101 to 91, as per FAQ 1.4
2012-12-21 17 Apocalypse Edition - Unit Upgrades from Core Rulebook and Zverograd are now no longer separate [Upgrade] units, rolled into Unit Upgrade list.
2012-12-18 16 Platoons now draggable; last typed-in Force Size is now remembered
2012-12-17 15 Old Force Link URLs are now converted to the new format.
2012-12-17 14 Major overhaul to code; Unit Upgrades now supported; Improved error reporting; Platoons can be re-ordered and collapsed; Previously chosen faction now remembered (client-side javascript cookie)
2012-12-10 13 Bugfix for point calculation and page updates when adding supports or removing platoons with supports.
2012-12-09 12 First pass support for Hades. Unit Upgrades are not yet supported.
2012-08-31 11 Bugfix for exporting SSU forces with Commissars
2012-08-11 10 Current/Max Platoons/Heroes/Supports counts now displayed; Bugfixes - Removing Commissars fixed, SSU Improved Command upgrade fixed
2012-08-09 9 Commissar points fixed
2012-08-09 8 Various bugfixes from the Zverograd update: fixed point values on Commissars and SSU Snipers, incorrect or missing tank upgrade options
2012-08-08 7 SSU support added. Special thanks to Major Malfunction for donating a copy of the Zverograd Campaign Book. Added a 'Clear' button to reset to blank.
2012-07-09 6 Bugfixes with limited Platoon Upgrades (Extra Panzer Support, Extra Hero, Improved Command)
2012-06-24 5 "Link" feature to save and share armies added
2012-06-22 4 Added optional Force and Platoon Notes; Improved error feedback; Option to override hero/platoon limits
2012-06-21 3 Removed platoon upgrades for Hero platoons; "Extra Panzer Support" restrictions applied; enhanced error feedback
2012-06-19 2 Various bugfixes
2012-06-19 1 First release